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Adios, Stubborn Pockets of Fat — I'm Getting Laser Lipo

May 07, 2024
Adios, Stubborn Pockets of Fat — I'm Getting Laser Lipo
Have you tried dieting and exercising away stubborn pockets of fat but without success? Now, there’s a better way — nonsurgical laser lipo. This treatment uses heat waves to dissolve difficult-to-lose areas of fat. Keep reading to learn more.

If you’ve tried watching what you eat and exercising to make stubborn pockets of fat disappear, it often feels impossible. Now, there’s a better way — nonsurgical laser lipo.

The team at Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers Pompano Beach in South Florida, uses laser lipo to help people not seeing the results they want from diet and exercise say goodbye to good to stubborn pockets of fat. 

Take a moment to learn what you need to know about this non-invasive body sculpting procedure and how it can help you say adios to stubborn fat. 

What is laser lipo? 

Laser liposuction, or lipolysis, uses laser technology and heat energy to target excess fat in trouble zones and melt it away — no surgery required! 

The laser energy sends heat through your skin to the targeted fat cells, creating tiny holes in the cell membranes. The damaged cells then release their fatty acids, glycerol, and water. 

As these items are released, the fat cells shrink and die, and your body removes the dead cells with other natural cell waste using your lymphatic system. 

This amazing approach to body contouring helps you carve inches off your body without the lengthy recovery time associated with traditional liposuction. In fact, research shows each 25-minute laser lipo session leads to a 24% reduction in fat in the treatment area. 

What about pain or side effects from laser lipo?

During your laser lipo session, you might notice a warm feeling or mild tingling sensation. However, there’s no pain, and because laser lipo treatments are highly targeted, you don’t have to worry about any damage to the surrounding skin and tissues. 

One of the best things about laser lipo is that there’s no downtime. You can come in for your session on your lunch break and return to your normal activities immediately after!

When will I see the results after laser lipo?

While it can feel impossible to target stubborn pockets of fat with exercise and diet alone, laser lipo does just that! However, results take some time to appear since your body must metabolize the destroyed fat cells. 

Everyone’s timeline is different, but you can generally expect noticeable changes as soon as six weeks after your treatment sessions. Optimal results take about 12 weeks following your last session. 

The best part is that your results are permanent. Just be sure to maintain a healthy weight after treatment since other fat cells in new locations will grow if you gain excess weight. 

Who can get laser lipo?

Nearly all adults with stubborn pockets of fat are candidates for laser lipo. To ensure you’re a good candidate, we review your medical history and evaluate your overall health. 

Laser lipo is a great choice for people seeking to target stubborn fat on their:

  • Abdomen
  • Waist 
  • Flanks (love handles)
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Back
  • Upper arms
  • Double chin area

Remember, laser lipo isn’t a weight-loss procedure. Talk to us about our personalized weight loss program first if you’re overweight.

For a beach body by summer, get started with laser lipolysis today by scheduling an appointment online or over the phone at Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers Pompano Beach in Pompano Beach, Florida.